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About me

Hi, I’m Kristin, an IVF Mom, Advocate, Fertility Podcast Host & Infertility Coach!
I'm so glad you're here!

My Journey

I learned that (due to MFI) the journey to grow our family would require medical intervention. This is the first time I adjusted my expectations around the birds and the bees. After 4 IUI’s that were unsuccessful, I had to adjust my expectations once again. Due to my advanced maternal age and unexplained infertility diagnosis we needed to pull out the big guns and rely on IVF to conceive.

3 egg retrievals, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frozen transfers later, here I am, a very happy mother of a six year old.


I learned that it is possible to go through the infertility journey staying positive, staying hopeful, keeping your relationships strong, and not putting your life on hold. But it can't be done alone. 


When we finally welcomed our baby girl it felt like all my dreams came true. She was perfect and life was amazing…and so I wanted more of it.  Our sibling quest began with a third IVF round as we had always planned for a bigger family. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be for us and I had to learn to be okay with that.

I decided to become what I needed in the hardest parts of the infertility journey. To take all of that experience and pain and loneliness and turn it into a positive and to embrace who I am. 

So when I’m not blowing bubbles or going on walks with my IVF miracle, you can find me encouraging, supporting, inspiring and walking alongside women who are going through infertility to grow their families.

Fun facts

I love pineapples, t-rex jokes, mascara, s'mores and helping people. I cry as much as I laugh and I tend to overuse exclamation points!!

In high school, I was a volunteer EMT for my town ambulance. At the ripe age of 15 I  delivered a baby! Never would I have guessed that I’d have to wait 22 years to have my own.

As seen on...

Featured Podcasts

Podcast I've Been Featured In...

Coaching with KD

A Podcast interview with Founder of Coaching with KD, Kristin Dillensnyder ,shares her personal journey through infertility. Kristin is a certified life coach who specializes in working with women going through infertility.

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Cultivating a Mindset of Possibility

On this podcast Kristin shares about how infertility can often feel like a series of failures. But by developing a mindset of possibility, we can switch the way our brains work and focus on the positive aspects of our lives. By doing so, we can continue living and thriving while we are in the midst of waiting.

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Fertility Mindset with Kristin

Meet Kristin Dillensnyder, an Infertility Mindset Coach and IVF Warrior. Someone who understands the walks and talks of navigating in vitro fertilization. Whether it's your first go around with IVF or in an effort for sibling, she will help you to understand and believe: you will be okay.

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How to Navigate the Hurdles of Trying Again When a Cycle is Unsuccessful 

In this episode, we talk about what it looks like to make the decision to move forward with IVF or to try again after an unsuccessful cycle and how to “fill you cup”  after feeling depleted and consumed by your infertility journey.

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TTC when you're 35 and over: I'll be happy when?

In this episode Monique chats with Kristin Dillensnyder. After 4 unsuccessful IUI'S, she and her husband knew they needed more help and went to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. 

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Conquering Infertility

Kristin’s infertility journey including what support she didn’t receive and how that lack of support inspired her to become an infertility coach

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Coaching Through Infertility

Tune in this week to hear a passionate discussion about coaching, infertility, and everything Kristin has learned on this journey.

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My Infertility Journey

So on this episode of the Gotcha Mama podcast, I talk with Kristin Dillensnyder, also known as Kiki. She is a big sister, a wife, a mom, a bonus mom, and an infertility coach.

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The Sweetest (and Toughest) Job

On today's podcast, I chat with Kristin Dillensnyder, she openly shares her personal journey and experience with infertility. She talks about success, loss and the feelings and emotions that are experienced when you go through it.

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The unseen grief of Infertility.

Join us as we talk about the stressors of trying to conceive, navigating the very public opinions on very personal topics, what its like to face the many nuances of grief while on this journey and how couples can learn to walk this path and become closer through it.


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Featured TV Appearances

Supporting those struggling with infertility during the holidays

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Soda City Live: Infertility and IVF Coaching

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Soda City Live: National Infertility Awareness Week

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